Business Opportunities Amir Raveh - Speaking in front of an Audience

It’s a Shame to Waste a Global Crisis!

Amidst the last global crisis of 2009, a friend of mine said: “It’s a shame to waste a global crisis!” He suited up, filled his briefcase with money and went on to make a fortune of acquisitions. Beyond the superlatives and all the apocalyptic scenarios, I would like to propose an alternative point of view.  … Continued

Amidst the last global crisis of 2009, a friend of mine said: “It’s a shame to waste a global crisis!” He suited up, filled his briefcase with money and went on to make a fortune of acquisitions.

Amir Raveh President of HYPE Sports Innovation - Speaking in front of an Audience

Beyond the superlatives and all the apocalyptic scenarios, I would like to propose an alternative point of view. 

These days, everything seems shaky and unstable, the uncertainty and fear are percolating into our lives as well as our businesses. Maybe it seems the world is heading to its doom, but the day will come when it will all be officially behind us and we will find ourselves on the post ‘CORONAVIRUS’ day.

Then, A burst of abundance and creativity greater than we have known will emerge and some will be more prepared for it than others. Humanity has in fact prepared us for this day. Today we have varied VIRTUAL platforms such as ZOOM VIRTUAL CONFERENCE, WhatsApp etc. which through we are able to communicate, function and do business online, even during times like these. In times like these, we really have two options:

1. To freeze actions, to hold, and join the overall surrounding negativity and depression 

2. To Lead, create a plan, look for the opportunities

I ask myself the following: “If I were a child, how would I want my father to act in such times?”  Alternatively, as an employee, how would I want my CEO to act like?” Here are some Actions I chose to take on, amongst these CORONAVIRUS days: 

1. Mental health and resilience – Maintain a routine. Wake up early, exercise, because sports activities contribute to clarity and sense of vitality. 

2. Read more and consume different content than the CORONAVIRUS news. It will promote and nourish you. 

3. At work – Gather the team, declare emergency regulations, and put them all “under the stretcher” and into a high level of commitment, of work without panic, put your ego aside.

4. Get lean – give up unnecessary expenses and narrow down what does not work. Release excess baggage. 

5. Develop new muscles – For instance the ability to create value in digital. 

6. Look for opportunities – Ask and find out what is it that people need right, take initiative, see what the clients’ needs right now 

7. Do not disappear – nor get silent. The employees and clients want to hear and see us.

Out of crises’, leaders grow.

It is most vital that we be strong and always united, mostly in times like these. Our kids, spouses, employees, and clients – all look up to us. It will be remembered on your behalf forever.

With love for sports and innovation.



  • myra waiman

    Mar 19, 2020

    I applaud you for this very positive attitude and one that I agree with 100%. I have taken this time to put my house in order both figuratively and actually. Business wise it has been a great opportunity to only seek out real deals etc and not waste time running after lesser offerings. Home wise , it has been an opportunity to do necessary filing etc and sorting . It is a new experience but not one I should be afraid of even as I self isolate with a cough. obeying instructions there is no reason to buy excessive toilet rolls ,( havnt got room for them anyway) , no reason to worry about catching ..c.. and every reason to reach out to friends from far flung places to tell them we are thinking of them. lets take this as a time to cleanse the system and appreciate all that we have.

  • Lori Bajorek

    Mar 19, 2020

    Amir! I love this! This is a time where we need leaders and we together come up with solutions. I just was on a zoom call with Samsung and we were taking about how we can help educate the globe on how we can use esports to help educate the world on how we can work virtually. Just like solitaire taught us how to use a new device called a mouse, esports can teach us how to stay connected in a period of isolation and change how we work collaboratively in the future!

  • Startups Investment Recap - Mar 19 - HYPE Sports Innovation

    Mar 17, 2020

    […] It’s a Shame to waste a GLOBAL Crisis […]
