Who is Stronger – The Crocodile and the Bear?
2 Min Read
Who is Stronger – The Crocodile and the Bear? – Winning Attention in a Room Full of Investors

Let me paint a picture for you – A boardroom filled with investors, sharp suits all around, sitting at the far end of the table, likely bracing themselves for yet another run-of-the-mill pitch, people with deep pockets and short arms are what I like to call them. You know the type – they’re willing to listen, but not exactly eager to loosen their grip on their wallets. And who can blame them, there’s always the next guy trying to pitch their billion-dollar idea to them.
Enter a 26-year-old entrepreneur, whom I had been mentoring for months. When we first met, he was determined but a little rough around the edges, like most early-stage founders. I worked together with him on his strategy, refining his pitch, and preparing him for his big day – meeting with investors.
I expected him to utilize his time and dive straight into his PowerPoint but to my surprise, or perhaps shock, he stands up and asks something no one expected:
“Tell me, who’s stronger, the crocodile or the bear?” In an instant, the energy in the room shifted, it flipped from low-key disinterest to lively debate. You could almost feel the tension dissolve.
Having not moved a muscle before, some investors now heavily engaged and claimed the crocodile was stronger; others argued for the bear. It had almost seemed like the armor everyone had dropped beside them, ties were loosened, arms uncrossed, and suddenly, this young entrepreneur wasn’t just another presenter – he had their attention.
As the room came back to the present, and the investors eagerly waited to see which of them was correct – the young entrepreneur delivered the punchline: “Depends on where, in the river, it’s the crocodile and in the forest, it’s the bear. Just like our software company – we’re the bears of the travel industry.”
This clever shift in energy was about grabbing their attention and holding it. We often assume many things as a given, even when they might not necessarily be. Taking charge and ensuring you have the attention, and interest, is the key to a successful start. Attention is the most valuable currency today, if you can’t capture it, your pitch is lost before it even begins.
Wondering on the entrepreneur’s result? He didn’t get a check that day, but he earned something just as valuable – he became unforgettable, top of mind. So much so that now you’re reading about him. He was the talk of the day, and every single investor in that room remembered him long after the meeting ended.
How Can You Capture Attention in Your Next Big Pitch?
In today’s noisy world, attention is everything. Investors, clients, and partners are bombarded with all kinds of information on a daily basis. So, how do you stand out?
It’s not about fancy slides or buzzwords, on the contrary, the simpler, the better. It’s about engaging people on a human level. People, people, people – this is what it ultimately boils down to. It is about creating moments that make them sit up and take notice. Now, this young entrepreneur wasn’t born with this ability, it’s a skill anyone can learn, including you. Whether it’s by asking a bold question, telling a story, or going against the grain of what’s expected, you can turn a routine meeting into a memorable one.
Showcase Your Solution to Top Brands
Whether you’re pitching to investors, partners, or clients, the key to winning is creating unforgettable moments that resonate. We are hosting a Showcase Event on 10.10.24 with Top Industry leaders, get a chance to gauge attention for your solution to the right audience. See the full details and apply here