Present your solution to top executives from sports clubs, brands and federations.
The Leading SportsTech Startup Founders share their GVA experiences
The HYPE GVA 3.0 is a major fast-track for any sports tech startup who would like to explore opportunities to run pilots with the biggest brands in the Sports Tech industry.
Selected companies will participate in a virtual program which will focus on accelerating all aspects of their startup – by leveraging meetings with mentors, investors and different knowledge based sessions. Prior to the beginning of the program each startup will need to be selected by at least one brand and will immediately start a relationship with.
You can apply right now with the yellow tab on the side. Following a diligent evaluation process, selected companies will pitch their solution to the different brands according to the specific innovative solutions HYPE’s partners are looking for or the fit of their solution to the brands need. You will be notified by email which brand has selected your company.
Startups will be evaluated based on different criteria such as product, technology, team, traction and of course – their solution in the sportstech world. The selection committee includes members from UEFA, Upland, PepsiCo and other representatives from industry leading organizations.
If accepted into the process, you will be invited to the Reverse Pitching sessions in which the clubs & brands will share their challenges, solutions wishlist, and key future focus points with you.
From there, you will be invited to create and share customized pilot proposals addressing the sports property’s key specific challenges.
If relevant, you will then be invited to present your solution directly to their high-level representative in a Private Pitching Session.
If selected by the sports property, you will begin your pilot exploration process with the sports property and officially join the GVA Program!
As part of the GVA 3.0 progam, each team will receive access to top notch mentors, investors, keynote sessions, marketing experts and support from the HYPE team to develop their solution and accelerate their business so they can successfully run a pilot with the partner that have chose them.
At your home/office. The HYPE GVA Tech 3.0 program is a 100% virtual program. This means we bring the best brands to the table, and the best startups as well – since there is no need to leave your country and travel.